Monday, March 12, 2007


Wanted: OLK Project Manager - 3 Positions (Based In K.L)
Our people are our most important asset as they are the reason behind our success. In line with our expansion programs, we now seek applicants to join our team of dynamic professional at our project.

OLK-Project manager with personable, well-educated, literate individual with degree in engineering to work for small firm. Long hours, no fringe benefits, no security, little chance for advancement are among the inducement offered. Job requires wide knowledge and experience in building, materials, construction techniques, economics, management and finance. Competence in the use of spoken and written English required. Must be willing to suffer personal indignities from client, professional derision from peers in more conventional jobs and slanderous insults from collegues.

Job involves frequent extended trips to inaccessible locations throughout the world, manual labour and extreme frustration from lack of data on which to base decisions.

Applicant must be willing to risk personal and professional future on decisions based on inadequate information and complete lack of control over acceptance of recommendations by clients. Responsibilities for work are unclear and little or no guidance offered. Authority commensurate responsiblity is not provided by either the firm or its clients.

For those who are interested, please call Mr Hai Sea Lee at tol free 1-800-800800. personals CV should be mailed to Jln 40/32, No.233, Golden Commercial Centre, 52000 K.L. ALL personal informations shall strictly be kept P&C.
(term: OLK = One-Leg-Kick)


prefervision said...

i use to b OLK
so i understand it deeplyyyy
but anyway
one leg kick better than
two leg kick
if two leg kick
you sure fall down

Maverick SM said...

Is this for real? I want to apply. Condition: 1) as little salary as possible (2) No need leave (3) No insurance policy required (4) No assistant required (5) No boss required (6) All customers welcome (7) Any work can do.

Will the above meet your needs?