Read out what K Geogre has to say in his article of 'Restore Local council elections' in Aliran:
"Dear PM, Even before you entered Putrajaya as the 5th premier of Malaysia, you had in an inspiring manner undertaken to launch a relentless fight against corruption.
You solemnly pledged to eradicate corruption, promote transparency and accoutability, ensure open tenders, and introduce democratic reforms as part of your MISSION in running this beloved country of ours.
Unlike your predecessors, YOU called upon the OPPOSITION, the NGOs and the the RAKYAT to CRITICES the GOV. so that you will know what is bothering the nation and the people.
This undertaking was admirable. It led the people to believe that YOU were VERY OPEN and that YOU would make a DIFFERENCE.
But, Unfortunately and sadly, Since then, there has been mounting CRITICISM from various sources that all that you PROMISED the PEOPLE has not really taken off. There is this impression that NOTING IS MOVING.
There have been numerous complainst against local authorities. Local authorities represent grass root democracy. It is where people effectively contribute to strenthening democaracy and safeguarding the sinews of the nation which sustain our democratic way of life.
This is something that you must pay heed to and bring back local council elections.
IF YOU do this you stand out as a stastesman in the the annals of our history. IF YOU ignore this plea from so many sources for the return to local democracy, the YOU will not be any
Different from any other politician. That would indeed be a PITY."
and What about The Edge-Frankly Speaking -19Mar2007, "Can it get any Worse?" has to say on the result of Corruption Index compiled by Hong Kong-Based-Political and Economic Risk Consultant (PERC), in which Malaysia in 2007 score higher to 6.25 from 6.13 in 2006.
(The scorecard criteria: at 0 least corrupt and 10 for the most)
"The man in the street only has to commit a traffic offence and read the newspapers to know that corruption is still prevalent, Never mind what the now not-so-new government promised to do during the last general election.
Sure, everyon has a role to play, and We have to be patient because these things take time. But how long do we have to wait to see some improvement? Not too long... we say."
CAUTIOUS: Be Wiser & Prudent in Coming GE! Don't make the same mistake again and again.